Monday, 24 November 2014

Commitment issue? Not so much~

I wanna play more and experience more life, then I wanna travel the world, see a lot of things... and I planned all these just for myself~ =)

Well... now that I am 24, I had most of the fun I wanted, experienced enough bumps and failure... then I started to date again, but this time... it's a bit different, it turns out to be more than just dating... I don't know how or why, it just got serious along the way... the funny thing is, I don't feel that fear I used to with him~ XP

My body doesn't reject him, my emotion definitely accepted him, my mind took a little convincing but overall... my life seems to went into this other state without I noticing it, haha~ XD I think this is the state where my older friends was trying to tell me, they said  "you will want to play, wanna experience different things and have different feelings and emotions along the way, but someday, you will wanna settle down and all those plans you have for yourself will become plans you have for 2 ppl then maybe 3 then 4"

I never truly understood what they said until now... and I am not scare anymore... so meeting L parents are not scary... well... a little bit scary thinking if they will like me, but not scary in the way that this is going too serious... because being serious in this relationship seems to be the best choice I have ever made, and I am not even scare that I'll regret it... at least for now, I am going with the flow, because I am liking the flow, and because L might just be the best thing that ever happen to me, I just hope that he won't freak out because I didn't freak out... haha

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