Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Observe and see~

Yesterday I notice that I have a weird interest in looking at guys moving stuff here and there~ haha~ Probably have something to do with the word "macho"^^ I guess in my mind, I always have this idea of guys should be macho and doing things that requires streghth or power~ XP

There are 4 new known guys from work and they are good ppl^^ And one of them is especially nice and he makes me feel like I belong again =D The simple gesture (as he said) of bringing me out to lunch and meet with his friends is heart warming =) I feel so secure and relax ^_^Y
As I said, all I need was just gangs of friends whom I can relate to =)

I got myself sorted out but my lady boss seems to be pretty mess up though~ ><
She was crying in the car and talking to jesus~ If you exist father, I am praying that you help this woman because she really truly believe in you~
I notice that the reason she hang out with a terrible friend is because she doesn't have anyone else to go to, and this makes me realized the reason why terrible ppl also have friends~ Just because their friends have no choice~ =_=lll

Monday, 28 July 2014

Lying to myself~

Today is just like every other day, there are some crazy customers then some stupid ppl coming around and talk crap~ and a friend came by just for me to find him annoyingly boring and ridiculously no topic~ >< I guess some ppl are better when they are typing =_=lll
Then I got praise by a coleague saying that I look beautiful, and everything was good^^

However, here comes the problem, THIS IS ALL A LIE~     I never wanted ppl come finding me alone... because it's very tired to kept thinking what to say and I hate it especially when it is a guy, because it feels like I am being evaluated from every expression I make and every word I say~

And I am a 24 years old girl, why would I feel happy about being find attractive by a 48 years old single uncle? And what the hell am I suppose to feel when I am hanging out with bitches and old ppl all day long with the topic of furnitures?
I hate my life because I dont have a gang of friends that can mingle... why do you guys always have to meet me alone?!?!?!

I DON'T WANT TO GO THROUGH YOUR EXAM!!!! And I hate myself for not having friends that actually notice that staying home apart from working is NOT A LIFE!!!!! WHY CANT YOU ALL HANG OUT AND INTRODICE ME TO PPL THAT IS NOT TWICE MY AGE?!?!?!? SERIOUSLY, HOW HARD COULD IT BE TO JUST FIND FRIENDS THAT I CAN HAVE BEER WITH!!!!

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Simple happiness~

I guess we couldn't always have everything we wanted,  but most of the time it turns out that when we are focusing all our attention on the bad things we have to face or the goal we wanted to achive... we forgot about those simple happiness~^^

Today a customer uses "bubbly" to describe me and added my wechat just to keep in touch with me.... haha... I know that it's like making a new friend... but this man makes me feel like... sometimes when I am working, I am still treated and seen as me than just someone who is selling them stuff~ =D I even get to enjoy a traditional intrument performance later on which I find extremely soothing to listen to^^

Then when it's time to go home, I was so grateful to have a new coleague that is willing to fetch me and he came with an old colleague whom I always think as a wonderful person^^ well~ you know what they say, happiness comes when it is least expected^^

And Rendang chicken was cooked, hehe~ WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD!!!^^
Great food with wonderful ppl follow by warm bath and now cold air con, I think I am doing pretty good, hehe^^

Saturday, 26 July 2014


Everytime I am sad or unhappy~ Mcd seems to be my easiest and greatest solution ^^
I often think that food are kinda mesmerising object that can tranform negative into positive~ Just so happen that my happy food is from Mcd. .. haha

Nothing a little fries and mcflurry orea can't solve... hehe~ May tomorrow be a better day^^ FIGHTING!!! =D

Friday, 25 July 2014

Single life

Well~ a return of single life is very weird for me~ I was feeling all whoozy at first then angry at everyone for no reason~

Then eventually accepted the fact and now... I think I am ready to date again~ =D
Well~ How did I know I was ready? Easy... it's because I am no longer angry at ppl and most of all, I started to think what kind of man I am looking for~ However,  I seem forgotten how to be single and available again... haha XP

BUT~~ I do know that I am alone and it's starting to feel lonely~

Wednesday, 2 July 2014


Yesterday I met someone that reminded me that friendship does not depends on how long you have know the person... but how much chemistry u guys have have when you are with each other~

I met a malay lady yesterday at work, she is so nice and bought me dinner the first day we know each other, I find her super comfortable to talk to =D Her mindset is also very modern, very understandable too~ No matter what race... I am always blessed with friendship~ and I am always very thankful for that =)

What can I say, I am a lucky girl~ hahahaha~