Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Observe and see~

Yesterday I notice that I have a weird interest in looking at guys moving stuff here and there~ haha~ Probably have something to do with the word "macho"^^ I guess in my mind, I always have this idea of guys should be macho and doing things that requires streghth or power~ XP

There are 4 new known guys from work and they are good ppl^^ And one of them is especially nice and he makes me feel like I belong again =D The simple gesture (as he said) of bringing me out to lunch and meet with his friends is heart warming =) I feel so secure and relax ^_^Y
As I said, all I need was just gangs of friends whom I can relate to =)

I got myself sorted out but my lady boss seems to be pretty mess up though~ ><
She was crying in the car and talking to jesus~ If you exist father, I am praying that you help this woman because she really truly believe in you~
I notice that the reason she hang out with a terrible friend is because she doesn't have anyone else to go to, and this makes me realized the reason why terrible ppl also have friends~ Just because their friends have no choice~ =_=lll

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